I have a time-series-cross-sectional data frame with circa 400 observations like this:
country year value
Belgium 2015 3
Belgium 2016 5
Belgium 2017 8
Belgium 2018 10
Malta 2015 1
Malta 2016 3
... ... ...
But I need a transformed version with two years combined (odd number first) by taking the mean of the values, combining the years and keeping the name of the country the same. Like this:
country year value(mean)
Belgium 2015_2016 4
Belgium 2017_2018 9
Malta 2015_2016 2
... ... ...
I've tried all the solution to this question (How to average every two rows of dataframe in R) but I wasn't able to adjust these in the right way.
You can do:
df %>%
mutate(id = rep(1:n(), length.out = n(), each = 2)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarize(country = unique(country),
year = paste0(year[1], '_', year[2]),
value_mean = mean(value))
This assumes that you will always have an even number of rows per country and that your data is already sorted by year.