i'm having a hard time finding the bleus core for my seq to seq model for the task of question generation , my questions are the following : if i use the sentence bleu to find the score beetween each refrence and the output and then devide the total of these sentence-bleu scores by the len of the test data , will it be the same as the corpus bleu ? and for the corpus bleu implemented in the code as the nltk corpus bleu ?
import ntpath
import sys
import codecs
import os
import math
import operator
import functools
def fetch_data(cand, ref):
references = []
if '.eng' in ref:
reference_file = codecs.open(ref, 'r', 'utf-8')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ref):
for f in files:
reference_file = codecs.open(os.path.join(root, f), 'r', 'utf-8')
candidate_file = codecs.open(cand, 'r', 'utf-8')
candidate = candidate_file.readlines()
return candidate, references
def count_ngram(candidate, references, n):
clipped_count = 0
count = 0
r = 0
c = 0
for si in range(len(candidate)):
# Calculate precision for each sentence
ref_counts = []
ref_lengths = []
# Build dictionary of ngram counts
for reference in references:
ref_sentence = reference[si]
ngram_d = {}
words = ref_sentence.strip().split()
limits = len(words) - n + 1
# loop through the sentance consider the ngram length
for i in range(limits):
ngram = ' '.join(words[i:i+n]).lower()
if ngram in ngram_d.keys():
ngram_d[ngram] += 1
ngram_d[ngram] = 1
# candidate
cand_sentence = candidate[si]
cand_dict = {}
words = cand_sentence.strip().split()
limits = len(words) - n + 1
for i in range(0, limits):
ngram = ' '.join(words[i:i + n]).lower()
if ngram in cand_dict:
cand_dict[ngram] += 1
cand_dict[ngram] = 1
clipped_count += clip_count(cand_dict, ref_counts)
count += limits
r += best_length_match(ref_lengths, len(words))
c += len(words)
if clipped_count == 0:
pr = 0
pr = float(clipped_count) / count
bp = brevity_penalty(c, r)
return pr, bp
def clip_count(cand_d, ref_ds):
"""Count the clip count for each ngram considering all references"""
count = 0
for m in cand_d.keys():
m_w = cand_d[m]
m_max = 0
for ref in ref_ds:
if m in ref:
m_max = max(m_max, ref[m])
m_w = min(m_w, m_max)
count += m_w
return count
def best_length_match(ref_l, cand_l):
"""Find the closest length of reference to that of candidate"""
least_diff = abs(cand_l-ref_l[0])
best = ref_l[0]
for ref in ref_l:
if abs(cand_l-ref) < least_diff:
least_diff = abs(cand_l-ref)
best = ref
return best
def brevity_penalty(c, r):
if c > r:
bp = 1
bp = math.exp(1-(float(r)/c))
return bp
def geometric_mean(precisions):
return (functools.reduce(operator.mul, precisions)) ** (1.0 / len(precisions))
def BLEU(candidate, references):
precisions = []
for i in range(4):
pr, bp = count_ngram(candidate, references, i+1)
bleu = geometric_mean(precisions) * bp
return bleu
if __name__ == "__main__":
candidate, references = fetch_data(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
bleu = BLEU(candidate, references)
print (bleu)
I'm not sure about the implementation you show but for implementations strictly following the original paper such as NLTKs it would not be the same: https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/translate/bleu_score.py#L123.
Using sentence-BLEU means basically calling corpus-BLEU with just a one-sentence-corpus, but the other way around doesn't work. The scores should not be drastically different but they do differ because of macro-average vs micro-average.
I used BLEU for Seq2Seq evaluation before and just used sentence-BLEU and it worked just fine.