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Efficiently compute a sum based on sequences in R

I'm trying to compute a specific sum in R as quickly as possible. The object of interest is

enter image description here

and the relevant input objects are two L times K matrices x (contains only positive integers) and alpha (contains only positive real values). A is equivalent to rowSums(alpha) and N is equivalent to rowSums(x). Subscripts l and k denote a row / a column of alpha or x, respectively.

At first I thought it's going to be easy to come up with something that's super-quick, but I couldn't find an elegant solution. I think a matrix-valued version of seq() would be very helpful here. Does anyone have a creative solution to implement this efficiently?

Here's an easy-to-read, but obviously inefficient, loop-based version for reference:

# parameters
L = 20
K = 5

# x ... L x K matrix of integers
x = matrix(1 : (L * K), L, K)

# alpha ... L x K matrix of positive real numbers
alpha = matrix(1 : (L * K) / 100, L, K)

# N ... sum over rows of x
N = rowSums(x)

# A ... sum over rows of alpha
A = rowSums(alpha)

# implementation 

stacksum = function(x, alpha, N, A){
  # parameters
  K = ncol(x)
  L = nrow(x)
  result = 0
  for(ll in 1:L){
  # first part of sum
  first.sum = 0
  for(kk in 1:K){
    # create sequence
    sequence.k = seq(alpha[ll, kk], (alpha[ll, kk] + x[ll, kk] - 1), 1)
    # take logs and sum
    first.sum = first.sum + sum(log(sequence.k))
  # second part of sum
  second.sum = sum(log(seq(A[ll], (A[ll] + N[ll] - 1), 1)))
  # add to result
  result = result + first.sum - second.sum

# test
stacksum(x, alpha, N, A)


  • Update with a lgamma solution based on @RobertDodier comments.

    Using sequence and

    # parameters
    L <- 20
    K <- 5
    # x ... L x K matrix of integers
    x <- matrix(1 : (L * K), L, K)
    # alpha ... L x K matrix of positive real numbers
    alpha <- matrix(1 : (L * K) / 100, L, K)
    # N ... sum over rows of x
    N <- rowSums(x)
    # A ... sum over rows of alpha
    A <- rowSums(alpha)
    # proposed solution
    stacksum2 <- function(x, alpha, N, A) {
      sum(log(sequence(x, alpha) + %% 1, x))) - sum(log(sequence(N, A) + %% 1, N)))
    # solution from Robert Dodier's comments
    stacksum3 <- function(x, alpha, N, A) {
      sum(lgamma(alpha + x) - lgamma(alpha)) - sum(lgamma(A + N) - lgamma(A))
    # OP solution
    stacksum1 = function(x, alpha, N, A){
      # parameters
      K = ncol(x)
      L = nrow(x)
      result = 0
      for(ll in 1:L){
        # first part of sum
        first.sum = 0
        for(kk in 1:K){
          # create sequence
          sequence.k = seq(alpha[ll, kk], (alpha[ll, kk] + x[ll, kk] - 1), 1)
          # take logs and sum
          first.sum = first.sum + sum(log(sequence.k))
        # second part of sum
        second.sum = sum(log(seq(A[ll], (A[ll] + N[ll] - 1), 1)))
        # add to result
        result = result + first.sum - second.sum
    res <- list(
      stacksum1(x, alpha, N, A),
      stacksum2(x, alpha, N, A),
      stacksum3(x, alpha, N, A)
    all.equal(res[1:2], res[-1])
    #> [1] TRUE
    microbenchmark::microbenchmark(stacksum1 = stacksum1(x, alpha, N, A),
                                   stacksum2 = stacksum2(x, alpha, N, A),
                                   stacksum3 = stacksum3(x, alpha, N, A),
                                   check = "equal")
    #> Unit: microseconds
    #>       expr    min      lq     mean  median      uq    max neval
    #>  stacksum1 1654.2 1704.60 1899.384 1740.80 1964.75 4234.4   100
    #>  stacksum2  238.2  246.45  258.284  252.35  268.40  319.4   100
    #>  stacksum3   18.5   19.05   20.981   20.55   21.70   36.4   100