I'm trying to use the IF function to create a formula that answers TRUE based on multiple outcomes - I've definitely taken the wrong turn in the code I created:
I also want the box to read 90 - e.g. IF the answer is from the above range, the response in the box is 90 rather than true/false.
Lastly, I want to automate this down the column so that any new rows added automatically include the formula.
Additional info - this is how I've put in the suggested code - you can see it doesn't continue down the column as intended:
=IF(REGEXMATCH(QUERY(S2:S17;;9^9); E3); 90; "no match")
but maybe you want this in row 2:
=INDEX(IF(S2:S=E3; 90; ))
=INDEX(IF(E2:E="",,IFNA(VLOOKUP(E2:E, S:U, 3, 0), 220)))