I am creating a DSL for modeling, and I would like to be able to create a Settings
builder with two Custom Operations: Buffer
and Constraint
, which themselves are Computation Expressions. The reason for this is that the domain has terms that are heavily overloaded, and Computation Expressions allow you to provide context through the use of Custom Operations.
I cannot figure out how to get this nesting to work as intended. I have provided an example of what my desired outcome is at the bottom of the code example.
type Buffer =
Name : string
Capacity : float
type Constraint =
Name : string
Limit : float
type Setting =
| Buffer of Buffer
| Constraint of Constraint
type BufferBuilder (name: string) =
member _.Yield _ : Buffer = { Name = name; Capacity = 0.0 }
member _.Run x : Buffer = x
member _.Capacity (b: Buffer, newCapacity) =
{ b with Capacity = newCapacity }
let Buffer = BufferBuilder
type ConstraintBuilder (name: string) =
member _.Yield _ : Constraint = { Name = name; Limit = 0.0 }
member _.Run x : Constraint = x
member _.Limit (b: Constraint, newLimit) =
{ b with Limit = newLimit }
let Constraint = ConstraintBuilder
type SettingsBuilder () =
member _.Yield _ : Setting list = []
member _.Run x : Setting list = x
member _.Buffer (settings, name: string, expr) =
// This does not work
let newSetting = BufferBuilder name expr
newSetting :: settings
member _.Constraint (settings, name: string, expr) =
// This does not work
let newSetting = ConstraintBuilder name expr
newSetting :: settings
// The Computation Expression does not work
let mySettings =
SettingsBuilder {
Buffer "b1" {
Capacity 100.0
Constraint "c1" {
Limit 10.0
// Below shows that the desired outcome of `mySettings` would be
let b1 = { Name = "b1"; Capacity = 100.0 }
let c1 = { Name = "c1"; Limit = 10.0 }
let desiredSettings = [
Setting.Buffer b1
Setting.Constraint c1
CEs don't work like that. When you write foo { ... }
, the foo
bit in that expression is not a function. In particular, it means that you cannot do this:
let x = { ... }
let y = foo x
Or this:
let f x = foo x
let y = f { ... }
Doesn't work like that. It's special syntax, not a function call. The thing in front of the curly braces has to be a CE object, with all the CE methods defined on it.
So in particular, it means that your SettingsBuilder.Buffer
function cannot accept expr
and then pass it to BufferBuilder
. BufferBuilder
has to come immediately in front of the curly brace.
This means that the SettingsBuilder.Buffer
function should accept whatever the result of BufferBuilder
is, and then, inside the CE, you should build that result using BufferBuilder
and only after that pass it to the Buffer
custom operation:
member _.Buffer (settings, b) =
(Setting.Buffer b) :: settings
member _.Constraint (settings, c) =
(Setting.Constraint c) :: settings
member _.Zero () = []
let mySettings =
SettingsBuilder () {
Buffer (BufferBuilder "b1" {
Capacity 100.0
Constraint (ConstraintBuilder "c1" {
Limit 10.0
(note that you also have to define Zero
to provide the "initial" value of your expression)
(also note the unit ()
after SettingsBuilder
. Without it, SettingsBuilder
is a class, but you need the thing to the left of the curly brace to be an object)
I understand you wanted the nice syntax like Buffer "foo" { ... }
instead of the extra BufferBuilder
and ugly parentheses in there, but I don't think that can be done. In general, there is no way to have a custom operation behave like a "nested" expression.
Consider an alternative approach: ditch the outer CE, and instead define the settings as a list, each element built with its corresponding CE.
You'll need those inner CEs to each produce a Setting
so that their results can be elements of the same list. This can be achieved by modifying their Run
methods to wrap the resulting value in the relevant Setting
type BufferBuilder (name: string) =
member _.Run x = Setting.Buffer x
type ConstraintBuilder (name: string) =
member _.Run x = Setting.Constraint x
let mySettings = [
BufferBuilder "b1" {
Capacity 100.0
ConstraintBuilder "c1" {
Limit 10.0