In python, I would like to run a csv through test cases checking for data anomalies while keep track of each test it fails.
This is my first big project in Python, though I have Python experience and can do basic one-liners using pandas like df.drop_duplicates(subset=['UniqueID'])
, I just am not sure what the right direction would be.
MnLast | MnFist | MnDead? | MnInactive? | SpLast | SpFirst | SPInactive? | SpDead? | Addee | Sal |
Doe | John | No | No | Doe | Jane | No | No | Mr. John Doe | Mr. John |
Main(Mn) record isn't blank, Spouse(Sp) record isn't blank, neither record is marked deceased but Addee or Sal doesn't have '&' or 'and'. This indicates the Addressee(Addee) or Salutation(Sal) is incorrect, as Addressee or Salutation should have a variation of: "Mr. and Mrs. John doe"
Read csv
for each row in csv
#test case 1
if [ {( (MNFirst AND MnLast) =! BLANK ) AND ( (SpLast AND SpFirst) =! BLANK )} AND
(( SpDead? AND MnDead?) =! Yes)] AND [(Addee OR Sal) Does not contains ('&' or 'and')]
output failing row to new csv tracking what case it failed
Read a csv file, run the file through several test cases(there are several). Then output a new csv, with a new column indicating each case it failed. So if my Data Example failed 3 different cases, the new column would show a number corresponding to the case it failed. The csv output would show the following:
CaseFailed | MnLast | MnFist | MnDead? | MnInactive? | SpLast | SpFirst | SPInactive? | SpDead? | Addee | Sal |
1, 5, 8 | Doe | john | No | No | Doe | Jane | No | No | Mr. John Doe | Mr. John |
Any help to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.read_csv(csv_file, encoding='latin-1')
# Create array to track failed cases.
data['Failed Test']= ''
data = data.replace(np.nan,'')
data.insert(0, 'ID', range(0, len(data)))
# Test 1: The spouse shows a deceased date, but martial status is not marked as widowed
testcase1 = data[((data['SRDeceasedDate'] != '') & (data['MrtlStat'] != 'Widowed'))]
ids = testcase1.index.tolist()
for i in ids:[i,'Failed Test']+=', 1'
# Test 2: Spouse name information is filled in but marital status shows single.
df = data[((data['SRLastName'] != '') | (data['SRFirstName'] != ''))]
testcase2 = df[df['MrtlStat'] == 'single']
ids = testcase2.index.tolist()
for i in ids:[i,'Failed Test']+=', 2'
# sort and separate which rows have failed a test
failed = data[(data['Failed test'] != '')]
passed = data[(data['Failed test'] == '')]
failed['Failed Test'] = failed['Failed Test'].str[1:]
failed = failed[(failed['Failed Test'] != '')]
# Clean up
del failed["ID"]
del passed["ID"]
# Print results
failed['Test Case Failed'].value_counts()
print("There was a total of",data.shape[0], "rows.", "There were" ,data.shape[0] - failed.shape[0], "rows passed and" ,failed.shape[0], "rows failed at least one test case")
# output failed rows
failed.to_csv("C:/Users/Output/failed.csv", index=False,)
# output passed rows
passed.to_csv("C:/Users/Output/passed.csv", index=False,)