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VS Code Snippet - Change position of linked tabstops

I am currently switching from IntelliJ to VS Code for a project and want to take some of my custom live templates with me.

VS Code supports "User Snippets", but I can't get them to work like they do in IntelliJ.

I want to achieve the following output:

console.log('variableName', variableName);

Now the thing is, I want my cursor to start right after the , so I get IntelliSense for auto completion of a defined variable. Then that variable name should be placed in the string.

I am right at the start and know that tabstops with the same ID get the same value:

    "console.log variable": {
        "scope": "javascript,typescript",
        "prefix": "cl",
        "body": [
            "console.log('${1}', ${1});",
        "description": "console.log variable with name"

The problem with this is though, that the first tabstop is the start of the snippet and since I am inside a string I don't get IntelliSense for the variable name.

Is there a way to reverse the tabstop order of linked tabstops or anything similar that helps with the problem at hand?


  • "Print to console": {
      "prefix": "clog",
      "body": [
        "console.log('${1:variable}', ${1:variable});$0"
      "description": "Log output to console"

    Works but you have to press Ctrl+Space to get completion items.