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How to know if a flag is enabled on QtGraphicsItem

I am trying to make an if condition on whether the flag 'ItemIsMovable' of a QGraphicsItem is enabled.

Ideally something like:

import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtw

item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(1, 1, 10, 10)

if 'ItemIsMovable' in item.flags():
    do things ...

Here I am using the method QGraphicsItem::flags() that returns the object QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags which I don't know what to do with: it has no attributes, no methods.

I have read the Qt documentation and I could not find a method that tells me if a specific flag is enabled or not. I was looking for a function like QGraphicsItem::isFlagEnabled(flag) --> bool.

I have tried to iterate over QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags but I get the error that it is not iterable.

Is there any way to get the status of a flag, enabled or disabled?


  • Use bitwise operator "and" (&).

    if item.flags() & QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable: