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Timer implementation in python

I'm trying to implement a timer that counting down hours, mins and secs. I saw a similar implementation on the internet but still yet, there is nothing that printed to the terminal:

import time

time_to_wait = 30

while time_to_wait:
   seconds = time_to_wait % 60
   mins = time_to_wait // 60
   hours = mins * 60
   timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hours, mins, seconds)
   print(timer, end="\r")
   time_to_wait -= 1


  • print(timer, end="\r")

    \r denotes carriage return so timer is printed and then (very quickly) wiped, to avoid that you should print carriage return first, that is please try using

    print("\r", timer, end="")