I'm trying to use the radio button on my project but I failed to check the first radio button programmatically.
I had tried the Solution, but it is still not working in my code.
Here is my radio button:
<div class="col-sm-3 col-form-label" style="padding-right: 0px;">
<input type="radio" value=1 [checked]="actionUpload == 1" name="uploadAction" [(ngModel)]="actionUpload" (ngModelChange)="choose(1)"> Radio 1
<input type="radio" value=2 [checked]="actionUpload == 2" name="uploadAction" [(ngModel)]="actionUpload" (ngModelChange)="choose(2)"> Radio 2
and below is my Typescript:
export class Component implements OnInit {
actionUpload:number = 1
constructor() {
//some code here
ngOnInit() {
//some code here
this.actionUpload = upT
Here is the result I got, radio 1 is never checked.
Am I missing something??
I would be glad for any help.
With value=1
, it treats the value as a string.
You can inspect the HTML element and would get this
<input _ngcontent-tmu-c101="" type="radio" value="1" name="uploadAction"
ng-reflect-name="uploadAction" ng-reflect-model="1"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched">
which you would see the value become a string.
You should use the input binding (the square bracket) with [value]="1"
Radio 1
While I think [checked]
and (ngModelChange)
seem to duplicate (function) when you have used the [(ngModel)]
(two-way binding).
Either you should use (only) one of these:
and (ngModelChange)