I have 2 headers. I want to render the first one when width > 768px, and second one when < 768.
I tried this :
const [isMobileResponsive, setIsMobileResponsive] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
setIsMobileResponsive(window.innerWidth < 768);
} , [window.innerWidth]);
return (
!isMobileResponsive ?
The problem with this : when I go to chrome responsive feature, and resize the size of the screen, React does not re-render and don't change the header. I have to reload the page to get the new Header.
How can I do this ?
Thank you very much.
To track the window's width in react you can make a custom hook to handle window resizing such as it is done here.
But in this concrete case I think you would be better off using CSS media queries with a mobile first approach.
.navbar-desktop {
display: none;
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
/* For desktop: */
.navbar-desktop {
display: block;
.navbar-mobile {
display: none;
The code above hides the .navbar-desktop
by default only showing it if the width of the viewport is greater than 768. Doing the exact opposite for the .navbar-mobile