I have python list (example):
mylist = ["AA - AA", "qwerty", "123456789", "nvidia", "fan", "8765", "AA - AA", "group", "bread", "plate", "knife", "AA - AA", "123123123", "laptop", "666"]
(My real list contains for about 2000 elements, what you see above is just a short example.)
I need to split that list into:
newlist = [["AA - AA", "qwerty", "123456789", "nvidia", "fan", "8765"], ["AA - AA", "group", "bread", "plate", "knife"], ["AA - AA", "123123123", "laptop", "666"]]
As you can see, each nested list has a different number of elements and the same first element "AA - AA".
How can I split a list into nested lists, so that it has the first element "AA - AA" and the last element (the element before the next "AA - AA")?
Assuming the first element in mylist is 'AA - AA' then:
mylist = ["AA - AA", "qwerty", "123456789", "nvidia", "fan", "8765", "AA - AA", "group", "bread", "plate", "knife", "AA - AA", "123123123", "laptop", "666"]
result = []
for e in mylist:
if e == 'AA - AA':
[['AA - AA', 'qwerty', '123456789', 'nvidia', 'fan', '8765'], ['AA - AA', 'group', 'bread', 'plate', 'knife'], ['AA - AA', '123123123', 'laptop', '666']]
There's certainly no need for itertools, numpy or temporary/intermediate variables for something so trivial