I try to figure out, how I can get the penultimate workingday from todays date.
In my query, I would like to add an where clause where a specific date is <= today´s date minus 2 working days.
FROM mytable t
JOIN D_Calendar c ON t.Date = c.CAL_DATE
WHERE SalesDate <= GETDATE()- 2 workingdays
I have a calendar table with a column "isworkingDay" in my database and I think i have to use this but i don´t know how?!
Structure of this table is like:
CAL_DATE | DayIsWorkDay |
2022-07-28 | 1 |
2022-07-29 | 1 |
2022-07-30 | 0 |
2022-07-31 | 0 |
2022-08-01 | 1 |
One example: Today is Monday, August 01, 2022. So based on today, I need to get Thursday, July 28 2022. My desired result in the where clause should get me something like this:
where SalesDate<= Getdate() minus 2 workingdays
Thanks for your ideas!
You can use a ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CAL_DATE desc) getting get the top 2 rows then take the row with number 2. Example:
-- setup
Declare @D_Calendar as Table (CAL_DATE date, DayIsWorkDay bit)
insert into @D_Calendar values('2022-07-27', 1)
insert into @D_Calendar values('2022-07-28', 1)
insert into @D_Calendar values('2022-07-29', 1)
insert into @D_Calendar values('2022-07-30', 0)
insert into @D_Calendar values('2022-07-31', 0)
insert into @D_Calendar values('2022-08-01', 1)
Declare @RefDate DateTime = '2022-08-01 10:00'
-- example query
(Select top 2 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CAL_DATE desc) AS BusinessDaysBack, CAL_DATE
from @D_Calendar
where DayIsWorkDay = 1
and CAL_DATE < Cast(@RefDate as Date)) as Data
Where BusinessDaysBack = 2
From there you can plug that into your where clause to get :
FROM mytable t
WHERE SalesDate <= (Select CAL_DATE
From (Select top 2 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CAL_DATE desc) AS BusinessDaysBack, CAL_DATE
from D_Calendar
where DayIsWorkDay = 1
and CAL_DATE < Cast(getdate() as Date)) as Data
Where BusinessDaysBack = 2)
Change the 2 to 3 to go three days back etc