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Generating an XML signature in .NET with a XPath Filter 2.0 transform

I am trying to generate an XML signature in a .NET application. I also want to make use of a XPath Filter 2.0 transform in this signature.

The System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace provides classes which implement the XML signatures specification. However, it seems that .NET only supports XPath filtering as described in the xmldsig-core spec with the XmlDsigXPathTransform class. This is not the same as XPath Filter 2.0.

Should I study the XPath Filter 2.0 specification and attempt to implement my own Transform class? Or is there an easier way to proceed?


  • In the end we used the .NET assemblies from the project, which contain an implementation of the Java class libraries.

    This way we could easily use Java's javax.xml.crypto.dsig classes (which include support for XPath Filter 2.0 transforms) from .NET. It seems to work well.