formulas in excel can return different errors e.g. #div/0 But how to check a cell
will return the error type if an error exists but will crash if the formula of the cell will not produce an error. As far as I can see, the enum of eErrorType does not contain a member like NoError :-(
I would like to use something like that:
var badCells = package.Workbook.Worksheets["a"].Cells.All(f => f.GetCellValue<eErrorType>()!???
Any other approach welcome
tx Perry
Seems like you need to test by type like this:
var workbook = package.Workbook;
var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"];
foreach (var cell in worksheet.Cells)
var x = cell.GetCellValue<object>();
switch (x)
case double d:
Console.WriteLine($"{cell.Address} is double: {d}");
case ExcelErrorValue error:
Console.WriteLine($"{cell.Address} with formula '{cell.Formula}' is error: {error.Type}");
Assuming you have a sheet like:
Which give this as the output:
A1 is double: 1
B1 is double: 0
C1 with formula 'A1/B1' is error: Div0
A foreach
would probably be more efficient since you can perform any other needed tasks inside of it but this is how to do it via LINQ:
var errorCells = worksheet
.Where(c => c.GetCellValue<object>() is ExcelErrorValue)
Console.WriteLine($"Number of error cells: {errorCells.Count}"); // Prints "1"