I had a Python script which did this. I had to enable something in the Gmail account. For maybe 3 years the script then ran like this:
import smtplib, ssl
subject = 'some subject message'
body = """text body of the email"""
sender_email = 'my_gmail_account_name@gmail.com'
receiver_email = 'some_recipient@something.com'
# Create a multipart message and set headers
message = MIMEMultipart()
message['From'] = 'Mike'
message['To'] = receiver_email
message['Subject'] = subject
# Add body to email
message.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))
# Open file in binary mode
with open( client_zip_filename, 'rb') as attachment:
# Add file as application/octet-stream
# Email client can usually download this automatically as attachment
part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
# Encode file in ASCII characters to send by email
# Add header as key/value pair to attachment part
f'attachment; filename={subject}',
# Add attachment to message and convert message to string
text = message.as_string()
# Log in to server using secure context and send email
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465, context=context) as server:
print( 'waiting to login...')
server.login(sender_email, password)
print( 'waiting to send...')
server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, text)
print( 'email appears to have been sent')
In May or so of this year I got a message from Google saying that authority to use emails from scripts would be tightened. "Oh dear", I thought.
Some time in June I found that the above script no longer works, and raises an exception, specifically on the line server.login(sender_email, password)
File "D:\My documents\software projects\operative\sysadmin_py\src\job_backup_routine\__main__.py", line 307, in main
server.login(sender_email, password)
File "c:\users\mike\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\smtplib.py", line 745, in login
raise last_exception
File "c:\users\mike\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\smtplib.py", line 734, in login
(code, resp) = self.auth(
File "c:\users\mike\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\smtplib.py", line 657, in auth
raise SMTPAuthenticationError(code, resp)
smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted.
Learn more at\n5.7.8 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BadCredentials p14-20020aa7cc8e000000b00435651c4a01sm8910838edt.56 - gsmtp')
... I was thus not entirely surprised by this, and have now gone looking for a solution.
I have got this idea that the way forward is something called "OAuth consent" (I don't have any idea what this is...)
I found this answer and tried to follow the steps there. Here is my account of trying to follow step 1:
I went to this Google configuration page and chose "my_gmail_account_name", the account I want to send emails from ...
new "project", name: test-project-2022-07-18
location: default ("No organisation")
clicked Create
clicked NEXT
clicked ENABLE
clicked the icon to enable the "Google Developer Console"
in the hamburger menu (top left) there is an item "APIs and services" ... one item there is "Credentials" - clicked
one item in the left-hand list is "OAuth consent screen"
another item is "Credentials". Clicked this: then, at the top, "+ CREATE CREDENTIALS"
in the dropdown menu, choose "OAuth Client ID"
radio buttons: "Internal" and "External". chose latter.
clicked "CREATE"
under "App information":
"App name": sysadmin_py
"User support email": my_gmail_account_name@gmail.com
"Developer contact information": my_gmail_account_name@gmail.com
then find myself on a page about "SCOPES", with a button "ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES"...
At this point I'm meant to be following "Step 1" instruction "d. Select the application type Other, enter the name "Gmail API Quickstart" and click the Create button"... but nothing of this kind is in view!
The update to that answer was done in 2021-04. A year later the interface in Google appears to have changed radically. Or maybe I have taken the wrong path and disappeared down a rabbit hole.
I have no idea what to do. Can anyone help?
Google has recently made changes to access of less secure apps (read here: https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps).
In order to make your script work again, you'll need to make a new app password for it. Directions to do so are below:
(Here's a quick link to the same page: https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords)
(Source: https://www.emailsupport.us/blog/gmail-smtp-not-working/)
Simply switch out the password the script is using for this newly generated app password. This worked for me and I wish the same for you.
I hope this helps!