I have a problem the call works perfectly and everything is almost perfect using Agora, but the problem is when the user turns of the video call I am only able to see a black screen I tried to change by using a background image instead of a black screen, it doesn't work, I tried changing the css using z-index but it doesn't work as well, How can I put the user image instead of a black screen? Any help would be appreciated. Here is a code sample:
async joinRoomInit(roomid:string, uid:number) {
// Create a client
this.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({mode:'rtc', codec:'vp8'});
// Any time a user publishes we gonna listen for that
this.client.on('user-published', this.handleUserPublished);
this.joinStream(uid, roomid);
this.client.on('user-unpublished', this.handleUserLeft);
joinStream = async (uid:number, roomid:string) => {
// Generate Agora token
this.rtcToken= await this.agoraToken.getAgoraToken(roomid,'publisher','uid',uid)
// joining
await this.client.join(environment.agoraAPI, roomid, this.rtcToken, uid);
// Create audio and video track
this.audioTrack = await AgoraRTC.createMicrophoneAudioTrack();
this.videoTrack = await AgoraRTC.createCameraVideoTrack({
encoderConfig: {
width: { min: 640, ideal:1320, max: 1920},
height: { min:480, ideal: 920, max:1080}
// Publish the local audio and video tracks to the RTC channel.
await this.client.publish([this.audioTrack, this.videoTrack]);
let player = `<div class="video-call" id="user-id-${uid}"></div>`;
document.querySelector('.video-calls')?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', player);
console.warn("publish success!");
Here where I tried to change the Black screen when the camera is disabled
handleUserPublished = async (user:IAgoraRTCRemoteUser, mediaType:any)=>{
// Subscribe to the channel
await this.client.subscribe(user, mediaType);
if(mediaType === 'video') {
let player = document.getElementById(`user-id-${user.uid}`);
if(player === null) {
let player = `<div class="video-call" id="user-id-${user.uid}"></div>`;
document.querySelector('.video-calls')?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', player);
if(mediaType === 'audio') {
let userCall = document.getElementById(`user-id-${uid}`)!;
When I try to add the image When I take a look using the inspector the image is there but it doesn't show up that's why I tried using z-index but it doesn't work. Any Ideas please? If you want me to add more code just ask me.
it's simple, when you call setMute(true) in your device, then can call videoTrack.muted and it returns a boolean, if muted is true you can render the user photo. For remote users is different cuz you can't ask the mute state from remote tracks but, when a remote user call setMuted it triggers the user-unpublished event in the call and then you can delete the muted track in your app and show your user photo.
client.on('user-unpublished', (user, type) => {
if (type === 'audio') {
if (type === 'video') {
//Delete the video track here
} })
I hope help you bro