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"Unexpected error when launching Internet Explorer..." from cruise control selenium test run

I am attempting to run my selenium test suite as part of a continues integration process using cruise control.

 exec workingdir="projects/AtomWeb/trunk/seleniumTest/bin/debug"

The problem is I get the following error message.

SetUp : System.InvalidOperationException : Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. Protected Mode must be set to the same value (enabled or disabled) for all zones. (NoSuchDriver)

However when I run this though the console on the build machine with the following command it works fine.

nunit-console seleniumTest.dll

Any ideas as to why it wont work as part of the build process?


  • CruiseControl is probably running the Selenium server under a different user than when you run it from the console. Which means Internet Explorer is using a different user's preferences, which may not be set up correctly. Because that's what that error message is trying to tell you - your IE setup is incorrect.