I'm build an auth0 implementation according to here using a combination of express-jwt and jwks-rsa.
However, an error like the below occurred and the tsc can't finish properly.
Error:(102, 5) TS2322: Type 'SecretCallbackLong | GetVerificationKey' is not assignable to type 'Secret | GetVerificationKey'.
Type 'SecretCallbackLong' is not assignable to type 'Secret | GetVerificationKey'.
Type 'SecretCallbackLong' is not assignable to type 'GetVerificationKey'.
My code is blow.
import {expressjwt} from "express-jwt";
import * as jwksRsa from "jwks-rsa";
const checkJwt = expressjwt({
secret: jwksRsa.expressJwtSecret({ //<--The error occurred in here.
cache: true,
rateLimit: true,
jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
jwksUri: `**************************`
audience: '*****************',
issuer: '*******************',
algorithms: [ 'RS256' ],
The type error occurred in the secret
value in the options setting of expressjwt
The code above is almost a copy of here.
So, I can't figure out the solution to this problem.
This is the first time of used auth0.
Anyone who can solve this problem?
typescript: 4.7.4
express: 4.18.1
jwks-rsa: 2.1.4
express-jwt: 7.7.5
You can explicitly type the secret parameter as shown here: https://github.com/auth0/express-jwt/issues/288
import jwksRsa from 'jwks-rsa';
import { expressjwt, GetVerificationKey } from 'express-jwt';
const checkJwt = expressjwt({
secret: jwksRsa.expressJwtSecret({ //<--The error occurred in here.
cache: true,
rateLimit: true,
jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
jwksUri: `**************************`
}) as GetVerificationKey,
audience: '*****************',
issuer: '*******************',
algorithms: [ 'RS256' ],