Supposing I have a vector of structs like so:
struct Test {
fn main() {
let test_vec:Vec<Test> = vec![Test{id:1,amount:3}, Test{id:3,amount:4}];
Is there a way to get this into a polars dataframe with the column names being the struct fields?
Hoping to get an output as follows:
id amount
0 1 3
1 3 4
After a lot of head banging, I found the following solution.
If you have a vector of a custom struct, to get it into a Polars dataframe you can do the following:
// 1. Derive serde::Serialize for your struct
struct Test {
// (Adding new method here for quality of life).
impl Test {
fn new(id:u32, amount:u32) -> Self{
// 2. Jsonify your struct Vec
let test_vec:Vec<Test> = vec![Test::new(1,3), Test::new(3,4)];
let json = serde_json::to_string(&test_vec).unwrap();
// 3. Create cursor from json
let cursor = Cursor::new(json);
// 4. Create polars DataFrame from reading cursor as json
let df = JsonReader::new(cursor)