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Pandas to Excel - How to apply conditional formatting based on two columns

I have a multi sheet excel file like the one pictured below. I want to highlight with the condition: if value 'app' in column 'Kind' matches with value 'v6.0' in column 'NetFrameworkVersion' then highlight it yellow if value 'functionapp' in column 'Kind' matches with value 'v4.0' in column 'NetFrameworkVersion' then highlight it green else highlight it blue

import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import xlsxwriter

with pd.ExcelWriter('*/environment.xlsx' , engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
    for filename in pathlib.Path('*/FD').glob('*.csv'):
        df = pd.read_csv(filename) 
        df_custom = df.filter(['Kind', 'NetFrameworkVersion', 'Use32BitWorkerProcess', 'AlwaysOn' ]) #Select column and arrange custom
        sheetname = filename.stem.split('-')[3] #Set sheet name save as short name
       , sheet_name=sheetname,index=True, header = True) #write out file excel after read all data from csv files
        #set border#
        workbook =
        worksheet = writer.sheets[sheetname]
        border_fmt = workbook.add_format({'bottom':1, 'top':1, 'left':1, 'right':1})
        worksheet.conditional_format(xlsxwriter.utility.xl_range(0, 0, len(df), len(df_custom.columns)), {'type': 'no_errors', 'format': border_fmt})
        worksheet.set_column('C1:Z200', 25)   #set range column width
        worksheet.set_column('B:B', 35) #set 1 column width
        red_format = workbook.add_format({'bg_color':   '#FFC7CE',
                               'font_color': '#9C0006'})
        worksheet.conditional_format('F1:F1000', {'type':     'text',
                                        'criteria': 'containing',
                                        'value':    'True',
                                        'format':   red_format})
        worksheet.conditional_format('G1:G100', {'type':     'text',
                                        'criteria': 'containing',
                                        'value':    'False',
                                        'format':   red_format})

Example Picture: enter image description here


  • Let df be the DataFrame from your picture.

    Something like this should work:

    import pandas as pd # Jinja2 must be installed
    def styler(series):
        color_attr = ''
        if series['Kind'] == 'app' and series['NetFrameworkVersion'] == 'v6.0':
            color_attr = 'background-color: yello'
        elif series['Kind'] == 'functionapp' and series['NetFrameworkVersion'] == 'v4.0':
            color_attr = 'background-color: green'
            color_attr = 'background-color: blue'
        return pd.Series(color_attr, series.index)
    left_df_p = df[['Kind', 'NetFrameworkVersion']], axis=1) # iterates over every row
    colored_df = left_df_p.join(df[['Use32BitWorkerProcess', 'AlwaysOn']])

    Next time, please provide a Minimal, Reproducible Example, so that people can actually test the code. Instead of posting a picture, it is better to call and post the output of df.to_dict.