I'm currently using:
=FILTER('Form responses 1'!B2:E&'Form responses 1'!G2:G,UPPER('Form responses 1'!G2:G="School Name"))
This filters responses from a Google Form into the relevant schools based on the column School Name. However, in the filter, I also want to include responses to column G whilst skipping F but can't quite figure out the formula. I've test other FILTERs, QUERYs and ARRAYs but not quite getting the solution I'm looking for.
Thank for the help!
Additional question, is there an easier way to filter into additional sheets based on the response to school name?
=FILTER({'Form responses 1'!B2:E, 'Form responses 1'!G2:G},
UPPER('Form responses 1'!G2:G="School Name"))