There is a standard function clojure.core/bean
converting POJO to map:
class MyPojo{
public String getFirst(){ return "abc"; }
public int getSecond(){ return 15; }
IFn bean = Clojure.var("clojure.core", "bean")
var result = bean.invoke(new MyPojo())
// result => {:first = abc, :second = 15}
For Java 17 record classes this function would not work, because records do not follow POJO convention "get***"
for properties.
Is there Clojure support for Java 17 record instances in the same manner?
Java 16 introduces Class.getRecordComponents
. So given an instance of a record, you can look up the record's class, and from there its record components. Each record component has a name and a getter Method, which you can use to look up the value of that component. You can put these pieces together to build an analogue of bean
(defn record->map [r]
(into {} (for [^java.lang.reflect.RecordComponent c (seq (.getRecordComponents (class r)))]
[(keyword (.getName c))
(.invoke (.getAccessor c) r nil)])))