#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
days = Channel.of("Sat", "Sun", "Mon")
tasks = Channel.of("Cleaning", "Cooking")
tasks_days = tasks.combine(days)
Current output:
$ nextflow run bench.nf
N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.04.0
Launching `bench.nf` [shrivelled_avogadro] DSL2 - revision: fb7c91b512
[Cleaning, Sat]
[Cooking, Sat]
[Cleaning, Sun]
[Cooking, Sun]
[Cleaning, Mon]
[Cooking, Mon]
I am interested in finding way to create new channel of tasks_days that contains the first element [Cleaning, Cooking, Cleaning, Cooking, Cleaning, Cooking]
You could use the map operator and a closure to do this:
tasks_days = tasks.combine(days).map { it.first() }
Note that the above will throw a NoSuchElementException
given an empty list. If you'd prefer a null
value when the list is empty, simply use:
tasks_days = tasks.combine(days).map { it[0] }
Note also that Groovy closures support argument unpacking, so in the simplest case you could just use the following to get the first element:
tasks_days = tasks.combine(days).map { task, day -> task }