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Quasar2 Vue3 Cypress select options

I would like to perform the following tests with Cypruss E2E: (1) Verify the number and content of the select options (2) Select one of them and verify the value matches the selection.

This is what I have done for (2):

it('Verify Options from auto-generated page', () => {
    cy.get('[data-test="dropdown-setting-3"]').find('label').select("Option 1"); // OK
    cy.get('[data-test="dropdown-setting-3"]').should('have.value', 1); // XXX

I am able to select one of the options from the q-select.However, validation of the value selected fails:

Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected '<>' to have value '1', but the value was ''

But none of them succeed. I have not figured out how to achieve (1).


  • The quasar select has an input, but it's value does not get updated.

    Instead you can check the child element span that displays the selected value.

      .click()                                    // open select
    cy.get('.q-menu .q-item')                     // list of options
      .should('have.length', 5)                   // substitute your list count
    cy.get('.q-menu .q-item')
      .click()                                    // select 2nd item
    // OR
    // cy.contains('Option 2')
    //   .click()                                  // select 2nd item
      .find('span')                               // value is displayed via span
      .should('have.text', 'Option 2')            // verify the text

    I think the problem with using .q-item selector is you have an additional <q-item> around the <q-select>, but I can't see what it's purpose is.

    You can strengthen the option selector by adding .q-menu to it (see above).