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I need to find the distance of each duplicated letter

from itertools import pairwise

l_h = []
l_r = []
for index, elem  in enumerate("THISISTHEARHGRAYR"):
    if elem == "R":
    if elem == "H":

H = [b - a for a, b in pairwise(l_h)]
R = [b - a for a, b in pairwise(l_r)]
print(H,R)[enter image description here][1]

And I 1: If i run this code I get error cannot import name 'pairwise' from 'itertools'


  • It looks like your version of itertools does not have the pairwise function. You can check its available functions in the docs (select Python version in the upper left corner).

    I suggest creating your own implementation of pairwise, I found this one to work well.

    Code and output:

    from itertools import tee
    def pairwise(iterable):
        a, b = tee(iterable) # Note that tee is from itertools
        next(b, None)
        return zip(a, b)
    l_h = []
    l_r = []
    for index, elem in enumerate("THISISTHEARHGRAYR"):
        if elem == "R":
        if elem == "H":
    # Added -1 to count letters BETWEEN duplicates
    H = [ b - a - 1 for a, b in pairwise(l_h) ]
    R = [ b - a - 1 for a, b in pairwise(l_r) ]
    print(H, R)


    [5, 3] [2, 2].

    Also, upgrading to Python 3.10 should work (I have not tested this).