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Retrieving Solidity Event Data with Ethers.js

I'm new to Solidity and Ethers.js, so if there are any amateurish mistakes, that would be why.

I'm trying to build a dApp that runs a function on my smart contract, retrieves the data that is emitted from the event, and then displays it on my front-end. I've gotten it to run on Localhost so far. Currently, MetaMask connects to my front-end, but it throws an error when I try to confirm a transaction with the contract.

Create Function (JS):

    async function create() {
        ///Acquiring values
        postBody = document.getElementById("in-1-pbd").value;
        postSubcat = document.getElementById("in-2-sc").value;
        console.log(postBody + ", " + postSubcat);
        ///Connecting with Ethereum
        await requestAccount()
        if (typeof window.ethereum != 'undefined') {
          const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
          const signer = provider.getSigner();
          const contract = new ethers.Contract(blokracyAddress, Blokracy.abi, signer)
          const transaction = await contract.createBallot(postSubcat, postBody)
          await transaction.wait()
        ///Building and presenting the ballot
        contract.on("Creation", (message, idnum ) => {
          console.log("Creation Event Data: ", message, idnum);
          buildBallot(Wallet.publicKey, idnum, postBody);
        } else {
          window.alert("Non-Ethereum browser detected. You should consider installing MetaMask.")

Request Account Function:

      async function requestAccount() {
        await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });

Create Function (Solidity):

///Event Declaration
    event Creation(string message, uint idnum);
///Creating a Ballot:
    function createBallot(
        string memory _subcategory, string memory _post
    ) public {

        ///Set Operator
        operator = msg.sender;

        ///Increment ballotNum
        ballotNum ++;

        ///Apply specifics to ballot
        ballot[ballotNum] = Ballot(
            ballotNum, _subcategory, operator,
            _post, 0, 0, 0, 0

        ///return string and ballotNum
        emit Creation("Ballot was successfully posted!", ballotNum);

Any insight would be amazing. Like I said, I'm new and trying to learn as much as I can about dApps by building this project.


  • You can try this approach for calling function of smart contract in front-end with the help of web3.

    const web3 = new Web3(sNetworkRPCURL);
    const oDefaultWeb3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
    let oContractObject;
    let sWalletAddress;
    async function metamaskConnection(){
        const aReqAccount = await window.ethereum.request({
            method: "eth_requestAccounts",
    async function create() {
            ///Acquiring values
            postBody = document.getElementById("in-1-pbd").value;
            postSubcat = document.getElementById("in-2-sc").value;
            console.log(postBody + ", " + postSubcat);
            ///Connecting with Ethereum
            if(typeof window.ethereum=="undefined"){
                console.log("METAMASK IS NOT FOUND");
            oContractObject = new web3.eth.Contract(aContractABI,sContractAddress);
            let oNewContractObject = new oDefaultWeb3.eth.Contract(aContractABI,sContractAddress);
            let estimatedGas;      
            try {
                estimatedGas = await oNewContractObject.methods
                    .createBallot(postSubcat, postBody)
                        from: sWalletAddress                    
                console.log("Estimated Gas: ", estimatedGas);
            } catch (error){          
            try {
                await oNewContractObject.methods
                    .createBallot(postSubcat, postBody)
                        from: sWalletAddress,                   
                        gas: estimatedGas,
                    .on("transactionHash", (txHash) => {
                        console.log("Transaction Hash: ", txHash);                    
                    .on("receipt", async (txReceipt) => {
                        console.log("Receipt: ", txReceipt);   
                    .catch("error", (err) => {
            } catch (err) {

    And I want just clarification on web3 object and oDefaultWeb3 objects which I have taken in my code. fist web3 object I will use it for view or call() methods. And other one is useful for send() methods.

    So, Now I hope this approach will helpful for you to developing dApps and many more.