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How to use Java nio's Files.move in Matlab

I want to use the java.nio.file.Files.move() method in Matlab.

Although I only need the default behavior, Matlab requires all 3 inputs or would throw the No method ... with matching signature found. error. Passing [] (which I think gets converted to null though not documented) gets the java.lang.NullPointerException error.

How do I make an CopyOption object in Matlab?


>> version -java
ans =
    'Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode

zipFilePath=java.nio.file.Paths.get('',javaArray('java.lang.String', 0));

path1=zipFileSystem.getPath('/test.txt',javaArray('java.lang.String', 0));
path2=zipFileSystem.getPath('/test_changed.txt',javaArray('java.lang.String', 0));

% java.nio.file.Files.move(path1,path2,???); % what should ??? be..

No method 'java.nio.file.Files.move' with matching signature found. 


(I am also attaching my particular use of .move() in case there is something else that matters but I don't know.)


  • The third parameter to Files.move is an array of java.nio.file.CopyOption, so you'd need to set up an array of CopyOption initialised with one entry for the value of the implementing class java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES:

    optArr = javaArray('java.nio.file.CopyOption',1);
    optArr(1) = java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES;
    java.nio.file.Files.move(path1, path2, optArr);