Is there a way to get all tags assigned to VM in 1 cell when exported as CSV along other details of the VM? In the column where Tags are supposed to go all I get is a single curly bracket "{"
Import-Module Az.Automation
Import-Module Az.Compute
Import-Module Az.Storage
$resourceGroup = "rg-ServerList"
$storageAccount = "stxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$subscriptionid = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$storageAccountContainer = "azure2"
#Connect-AzAccount -Identity
$date = get-date -format dd-MM-yyyy
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionid
get-azVM -Name "MyServer" | Select @{Name="ID"; Expression={$_.vmid}},
@{N='Subscription'; E={$Subscription}},
@{Name="VM Name"; Expression={$}},
@{ N='Tags'; E={$_.tags | ConvertTo-Json | Out-String}} | export-csv C:\temp\Azure-servers.csv -notypeinformation
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionid
Set-AzCurrentStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $storageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
Set-AzStorageBlobContent -Container $storageAccountContainer -file Azure-servers.csv -force
You would have to form a string from the tags property which is a hashtable.
Below I use GetEnumerator()
to iterate over each key value pair and create a string in <key> = <value>
format then join each of the strings with a ,
Get-AzVM |
Select-Object -Property (
@{name='ID' ; expression={$_.VmId}},
@{name='Subscription' ; expression={$subscription}},
@{name='VMName' ; expression={$_.Name}},
@{name='Tags'; expression = {($_.tags.GetEnumerator().ForEach({ '{0} = {1}' -f $_.key, $_.value }) -join ',')}}