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Multiple validation to same field in react final form

Is there a way to add multiple validation to single field in React Final Form? Something like:

  validate={[emailValidator, emptyValidator}]

There is similar type of validation in redux-form. Is it there a way to do this type of validation in React Final Form?


  • You can provide multiple validators to Field using helper function eg. composeValidators

    const required = value => (value ? undefined : 'Required');
    const mustBeNumber = value => (isNaN(value) ? 'Must be a number' : undefined);
    const minValue = min => value =>
      isNaN(value) || value >= min ? undefined : `Should be greater than ${min}`;
    const composeValidators = (...validators) => value =>
      validators.reduce((error, validator) => error || validator(value), undefined);

    And use it like:

    validate={composeValidators(required, mustBeNumber, minValue(18))} 

    check official example here Field-Level Validation