I'm building 2 neural network models (binary classification) for my finals. I've confusion matrix as an evaluation, but it always gives me one label output.
Anyone can tell where I made a mistake? Here's the code:
# Start neural network
network = Sequential()
# Add fully connected layer with a ReLU activation function
network.add(Dense(units=2, activation='relu', input_shape=(2,)))
# Add fully connected layer with a ReLU activation function
network.add(Dense(units=4, activation='relu'))
# Add fully connected layer with a sigmoid activation function
network.add(Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid'))
# Compile neural network
network.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', # Cross-entropy
optimizer='rmsprop', # Root Mean Square Propagation
metrics=['accuracy']) # Accuracy performance metric
# Train neural network
history = network.fit(X_train, # Features
y_train, # Target vector
epochs=3, # Number of epochs
verbose=1, # Print description after each epoch
batch_size=10, # Number of observations per batch
validation_data=(X_val, y_val)) # Data for evaluation
y_pred = network.predict(X_test)
# y_test = y_test.astype(int).tolist()
y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1).tolist()
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
I've got 93% accuracy from the validation, but the confusion matrix gave me this output:
Your network has a single output with a sigmoid, this means that in order to get your classification you want to round your result, not take an argmax.
y_pred = np.round(y_pred).tolist()
If you were to print your y_pred
you would notice that it is N x 1 matrix, and thus an argmax returns 0 for every single row (as this is the only column there is).