i'm trying to use geonames database (downloaded and loaded on a local mysql) to get all associated informations from a location (lowest level is cityname) using Java and JDBC drivers.
I have a big performance issue: each query takes something like 4-5 seconds, and i have to split the query in three parts before getting all the results i need.
Basically, i have loaded the allCountries database, the admin1codes and the admin2codes. Since admin1 and admin2 unique ids are composed by information retrieved from the query on allcountries, i had to do something like this to query the database:
String query = "SELECT DISTINCT "
+ "loc_geoname.name AS name,"
+ "loc_geoname.asciiname AS asciiname,"
+ "loc_geoname.alternatenames AS alternames,"
+ "loc_geoname.latitude AS latitude,"
+ "loc_geoname.longitude AS longitude,"
+ "loc_geoname.country AS country_code,"
+ "loc_geoname.admin1 AS admin1, "
+ "loc_geoname.admin2 AS admin2, "
+ "loc_countryinfo.name AS country, "
+ "loc_countryinfo.currency AS value "
+ "FROM loc_geoname, loc_countryinfo "
+ "WHERE loc_countryinfo.iso_alpha2=loc_geoname.country "
+ "AND loc_geoname.asciiname IN (" + search + ") "
+ "AND loc_geoname.country='" + countrycode + "' "
+ "AND loc_geoname.fcode like 'PP%' limit 10;"
and this is the query i'm using to fetch all the info for a city (search and countrycode are strings prebuild, they're not important)
now, to get the admin1 name and the admin2 name i have to launch two new queries:
String a1 = res.getString("admin1");
String query_area = "select name from loc_admin1Codes where code='" + countrycode + "." + a1 + "';";
String a2 = res.getString("admin2");
String query_district = "select name from loc_admin2Codes where code='" + countrycode + "." + a1 + "." + a2 + "';";
I'm sure its possible to combine the two queries into one (but not so sure) but i don't know how to create the admin1 and admin2 codes without getting them values from the first query and combining strings into the second and the third.
Also, i'm sure i can improve my first query to speed it up a bit (maybe using joins instead of a cross combination with a where clause...)
Table structure is the same as defined here and i didn't change anything from that. Thanks all in advance for the hints!
You shouldn't request it every time.
I did this by adding a column "admin1Nameé and "admin2Name" and I updated their value with a simple SQL query.
This database is very large so you should think about calculated column.
EDIT : if you still want to do it every time
loc_countryinfo.name, loc_admin1Codes.name, loc_admin2Codes.name,
loc_countryinfo ON loc_countryinfo.iso_alpha2 = loc_geoname.country
loc_admin1Codes ON code = loc_countryinfo.iso_alpha2 + '.' + admin1
loc_admin2Codes ON code = loc_countryinfo.iso_alpha2 + '.' + admin1 + '.' + admin2