I'm sure if you're using ant design menu component you've got the same error:
Warning: [antd: Menu]
will be removed in next major version. Please useitems
the new way to make this is:
const items = [
{ label: 'item 1', key: 'item-1' },
{ label: 'item 2', key: 'item-2' },
label: 'sub menu',
key: 'submenu',
children: [{ label: 'item 3', key: 'submenu-item-1' }],
return <Menu items={items} />
and you can define your function and use it like this:
return <Menu onClick={onClick} selectedKeys={[current]} mode="horizontal" items={items} />;
how can i have different functions on my items?
i'll be glad if someone help me with this
in the old way i could easily define any functions i want on any items
Actually, we can add functions to the items array as well
const [current, setCurrent] = useState();
const func = () => {
const func2 = () => {
const items = [
label: 'item 1',
key: 'item-1'
onClick: func,
className: class1,
label: 'item 1',
key: 'item-1'
onClick: func2,
className: class2,
label: 'sub menu',
key: 'submenu',
children: [{ label: 'item 3', key: 'submenu-item-1' }],
return <Menu selectedKeys={[current]} mode="horizontal" items={items} />;