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Find an object that other canvas object is overlapping with - Python tkinter

I want to detect with what canvas object block. We have block, circle and triangle canvas objects.

I know there is if block in canvas.find_overlapping(x1,y1,x2,y2): method but doesn't shows with what object is block overlapping. It just shows if block is touching with any other canvas object.

overlapping_object=canvas.find_overlapping(block), overlapping_object could be a list that shows tags of objects that is block touching with.

How to make overlapping_object=canvas.find_overlapping(block) but it's correct. This one I typed here is just how could it look.

Thanks for any help!

I'm making 2D minecraft in tkinter and this is the thing that can really speed up my process.


  • If you're not willing to use other libraries and only tkinter, I don't think there's a built in function in tkinter that will allow it. I am also not sure why everything must be done in tkinter as it's not at all unusual for programs to use multiple libraries. Personally, given tikinter's limitations, I would use pygame to track polygons and their intersection but would never draw them. Short of using a third library (tikinter, python default, and other), there is one other approach. I mean it's really the only appraoch.

    good ole fashioned math. Here's some documentation on how to go about doing that. I wish you luck.

    EDIT: I think I accidentally found the answer to your question using math while studying for some other stuff. Still no way IN tkinter but here's a math explanation.

    circle with center (x,y) and radius r
    Polygon with z number of sides with x*2-1 number of points(x,y)

    If you take iterate the lines of the polygon and put them through the following maths

    Line J (x1,y1)(x2,y2)
    m of Line J = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2)
    create line P from circle center to P1 of LineJ
    create line O from circle center to P2 of LineJ

    Now we have a triangle

    take the inverse cosine and length of P and O to get angle of the triangle you just made.
    Make a right triangle by bisecting the triangle with line K starting at circle center and going out at the angle you just calculated.

    Now you have line P and 1/2 angle of line P to line K

    Now to find the intercept of that mid angle line

    Tan(1/2 angle) = slope or m of the new line
    using the x,y of the circle center calculate the slope intercept formula y=mx+b and get b

    Now take the slope intercept formula for line J and set it equal to the slope intercept of the new line

    line J (mx + b) = y = line P (mx + b)
    Solve for y

    Then plug y in the slope intercept for either and solve for x.

    Once you've done this you have 4 points. The three points of the triangle, the point that makes a perpendicular line to center of circle from line J.

    If any 3 of those points to the center of the circle in distance is smaller than r, they overlap. If they are are all > r then they don't overlap.