stock branches_code
1017626 5 Branch 23
1 Branch 7
1 Branch 44
1 Branch 43
1 Branch 46
stock branches_code
1017626 5 Branch 23
1017626 1 Branch 7
1017626 1 Branch 44
1017626 1 Branch 43
1017626 1 Branch 46
In Pandas 1.4.x
Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated!
The script that created the grouped dataframe is this one:
sum_df = df.groupby(['products_code', 'branches_code']).agg({"stock": "sum"})
Use reset_index() for ungrouping your index and use set_index(column_name) for setting coulmn as index
sum_df = df.groupby(['products_code', 'branches_code']).agg({"stock": "sum"})
sum_df = sum_df.reset_index() # don't use drop=True
Above line will give simple dataframe with a new index (numbered from 0 to n)