I have a record view for which the id is from apex class and then wired it and assigned to a variable, but the record is not displaying. below is my code.
apex class to get the record id of the record owned by the user
public static Wallet__c getWalletInfo(){
String userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
return [SELECT Id From Wallet__c WHERE OwnerId =: userID LIMIT 1];
.js class - assigned the data to getId
import getWalletInfo from '@salesforce/apex/CustomWalletHandler.getWalletInfo';
import wallet from '@salesforce/schema/Wallet__c';
import walletName from '@salesforce/schema/Wallet__c.Name';
import walletBalance from '@salesforce/schema/Wallet__c.balance__c';
import walletFrom from '@salesforce/schema/Wallet__c.added_from__c';
export default class CustomWallet extends LightningElement {
objectName = wallet;
name = walletName;
balance = walletBalance;
from = walletFrom;
isUser = true;
@wire (getWalletInfo,{})
walletData({error, data}){ //data is record Id
this.getId = data;
this.isUser = false;
}else if(error) {
// error handling
html - if user has no recordc Create Wallet will display and if user has record only the record will display.
<template if:true={isUser}>
<lightning-tab label="Create a Wallet">
<template if:false={isUser}>
<lightning-tab label="My Wallet">
<div class="slds-box">
<lightning-output-field field-name={name}>
<lightning-output-field field-name={balance}>
<lightning-output-field field-name={from}>
I think you overcomplicated it a bit. What do you get when you put simpler references to object & fields?
<div class="slds-box">
<lightning-output-field field-name="Name"></lightning-output-field>
<lightning-output-field field-name="Balance__c"></lightning-output-field>
<lightning-output-field field-name="Added_From__c"></lightning-output-field>
And your apex method is returning whole Wallet__c
object, not just the Id. With just 1 field populated but still. You can tell by seeing curly braces in your console.log's output. So you need either this.getId = data.Id;
in JS or record-id={getId.Id}
in HTML. Or make Apex return just an Id variable (and null if no results found I guess?)