Search code examples

Sankey Diagram (Alluvial Diagram) in Vega-lite

Anyone having an idea on how to create Sankey diagrams like those in Vega-lite? enter image description here

Input would be data like

From | To | Amount


  • Using the blog post from Yuri Astrakhan, I created the following in Vega.

    enter image description here

      "$schema": "",
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            {"key": {"stk1": "bb", "stk2": "bb"}, "doc_count": 6},
            {"key": {"stk1": "bb", "stk2": "cc"}, "doc_count": 3},
            {"key": {"stk1": "cc", "stk2": "aa"}, "doc_count": 9}
          "transform": [
            {"type": "formula", "expr": "datum.key.stk1", "as": "stk1"},
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              "type": "formula",
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