I am currently trying to write a script that will send an email to different people when different columns are edited.
For example, if column A is edited, an email should be sent to AAA@gmail.com. If column B is edited, an email should be sent to BBB@gmail.com
I've written a script that works when sending an email to one person, but when I try add another trigger event, the script stops working.
Here is what I have so far:
function sendMailEdit(e){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("REVIEW");
if (e.range.columnStart != 8) return;
const rData = e.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(e.range.rowStart,1,1,20).getValues();
let sub = rData[0][2];
let sta = rData[0][3];
let pos = rData[0][4];
let dep = rData [0][5];
let jur = rData [0][6];
let acc = rData [0][7];
let rem = rData [0][14];
let msg = 'A new account access request has been added to ';
msg+='<a href="'+SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl()+'#gid='+e.source.getActiveSheet().getSheetId()+'">TEST GLOBAL - Account Access</a>';
msg+='<br>●Submitter: ' + sub;
msg+='<br>●Email: ' + sta;
msg+='<br>●Staff Position: ' + pos;
msg+='<br>●Department: ' + dep;
msg+='<br>●Jurisdiction: ' + jur;
msg+='<br>●Account Access: ' + acc;
to: "AAA@gmail.com",
subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
htmlBody: msg,
noReply: true
if (e.range.columnStart != 13 || e.value != "APPROVED") return;
let msg2 = 'A new account access request has been added to ';
msg2+='<a href="'+SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl()+'#gid='+e.source.getActiveSheet().getSheetId()+'">TEST GLOBAL - Account Access</a>';
msg2+= ' which has been aproved by the Business Operations Team.';
msg2+='<br>●Submitter: ' + sub;
msg2+='<br>●Email: ' + sta;
msg2+='<br>●Staff Position: ' + pos;
msg2+='<br>●Department: ' + dep;
msg2+='<br>●Jurisdiction: ' + jur;
msg2+='<br>●Account Access: ' + acc;
msg2+='<br>●Remarks: ' + rem;
to: "BBB@gmail.com",
subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
htmlBody: msg2,
noReply: true
statement will exit your function and not execute any of the code in the lines below itWhat you probably want is something like
if (e.range.columnStart == 8){
to: "AAA@gmail.com",
subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
htmlBody: msg,
noReply: true
else if(e.range.columnStart != 13 || e.value != "APPROVED"){
to: "BBB@gmail.com",
subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
htmlBody: msg2,
noReply: true
and else if
means that the script checks first either the first if
condition is fullfilled.else if
)if else
implies the the second code block is only executed ith the first condition is not fullfilled