I am using Notebook on Azure Machine Learning Studio and I am trying to install latest version of matplotlib, but it continues using version 3.2.1 I tried conda, pip, and also tried to uninstall and install again, nothing works. sample commands tried:
!pip install matplotlib
!conda install matplotlib
Am I missing sth? thanks
The version of Matplotlib will depend on the version of python. There is no support for the latest version of matplotlib library for python version 3.8. The latest version of matplotlib can be available only up to 3.7 version of python. Even though we tried to upgrade it with pip, conda , by default version of python program, it will take the supporting version of matplotlib.
For the current version of matplotlib in the current case of the situation, it is 3.2. It is suggestable to check the version of python, whether it is 3.6 or not. Python version 3.6 supports 3.2 and 3.1 versions of matplotlib.
If still the python version is showing the latest version of python, try to degrade the version and check.