I'm executing those commands:
mkfs.msdos -C path/to/file/some_file.img 1440
sudo mount -o loop path/to/file/some_file.img /path/to/folder/mounted_folder
After those commands, I copy files to mounted_folder and upload the some_file.img file to NFS server.
I do it all in Ansible and it happened so fast that some_file.img uploaded empty.
I gave it a 5-minute delay and the some_file.img was good (with content in it).
I don't want to do it with delay, there is any command I can use to ensure that the some_file.img file will upload with the content in it (and not be empty)?
Unmount the directory when you're finished to ensure everything is flushed to disk.
sudo umount /path/to/folder/mounted_folder