I created an AKS cluster using Azure Machine Learning SDK extension and I attached to the workspace created. When the cluster is created and attached, I doesn't show any error. When I am trying to detach it from workspace, it is not accepting the operations.
I would like to detach the existing AKS cluster from workspace either by program manner, using CLI or even using Azure portal.
If we are using any extensions of SDK or Azure CLI for machine learning to detach AKS cluster, it will not work and it will not get deleted or detached. Instead, we need to use Azure CLI with AKS. There are two types of implementations we can perform.
Azure CLI:
Before performing this step, we need to get the details of the working AKS cluster name attached to our workspace. Resource Group details and workspace name
az ml computertarget detach -n youraksname -g yourresourcegroup -w yourworkspacename