I'm following this pseudocode to write my code in Java. Everything is clear and works as expected except for actually capturing the best move. It seems that my added if condition inside the maximizing player condition returns the last playable move in the current board. So it always plays down. How can I track the best possible move?
Here's the pseudocode
function minimax(position, depth, alpha, beta, maximizingPlayer)
if depth == 0 or game over in position
return static evaluation of position
if maximizingPlayer
maxEval = -infinity
for each move of validMoves
eval = minimax(child, depth - 1, alpha, beta false)
maxEval = max(maxEval, eval)
alpha = max(alpha, eval)
if depth == 3
bestmove = move (Is this correct?)
if beta <= alpha
return maxEval
minEval = +infinity
for each move of validMoves
eval = minimax(child, depth - 1, alpha, beta true)
minEval = min(minEval, eval)
beta = min(beta, eval)
if beta <= alpha
return minEval
// initial call
minimax(currentPosition, 3, -∞, +∞, true)
You're not actually checking that the move is better than the others, so you're just getting the last move.
You need to check the the move's score is higher than that of the others seen before it. Since you already have maxEval
which contains the highest score seen so far, you can simply add the check that eval == maxEval
before updating bestmove