I'm trying to write a list of data frames into a single excel sheet. However, I'm having issues with the alignments with the data frames printed on the excel sheet.
While the first few data frame was fine, there are a few which was forced onto a new row which could make it harder to read.
I'm using the write.xlsx function
df = list("df1" = df1, "df2" = df2 ... )
write.xlsx(z = df, file = "list_of_df.xlsx")
Does anyone know the way around this?
Based on your code, it seems that you're trying to output the dataframes into the same sheet. In this case, write.xlsx will take the length of the first dataframe - df1 as the benchmark on the maximum number of columns.
A quick fix would be to introduce a "ghost" dataframe to "trick" write.xlsx into expending your maximum number of columns. Hope this helps!
index = as.data.frame.matrix(t(c(1:80))) # I'm setting the maximum number of column to 80 here for illustration
df = list("index" = index, "df1" = df1, "df2" = df2 ... )
write.xlsx(z = df, file = "list_of_df.xlsx")