Is there a way in C# to define a custom type which holds a tuple? e.g.:
Type MyParams Tuple<string, string>
Motive: I have the following function in a parent class:
protected virtual IEnumerable<(string, string)> GetConfigs()
that will be overridden by each child class. I'm looking for a way to define that tuple as type to declare the return type as IEnumerable<Params>
instead of duplicating the tuple.
global using MyParams = System.ValueTuple<string, string>;
Starting with C#12 you can create aliases for any type, i.e., also for ValueTuples:
global using MyParams = (string key , string value);
This global using must precede any other using
in the file. Versions prior to C# 12 do not allow creating aliases with the C# tuple syntax (string a, string b)
. Therefore, you will have to access the tuple elements with t.Item1
, t.Item2
If you omit the global
keyword (C# 10+), the scope of the directive is limited to the current file.
Now you can declare the method as
protected virtual IEnumerable<MyParams> GetConfigs()
Note; however, that this global using is only known in the current assembly!
Therefore, its use in a public API of a class library is limited.
It is still possible to access members of this library using this type, so.
Having this declaration in one assembly
global using MyParams = System.ValueTuple<string, string>;
namespace MyLibrary;
public class Class1
public MyParams p = ("hello", "world");
You can write this in another assembly referencing the first one:
var obj = new MyLibrary.Class1();
But a declaration like MyLibrary.MyParams p;
is not possible in the other assembly.