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Any chance Github Copilot steals closed source code?

I am pretty sure the answer is "no" or we'd hear about it, but wanted to double-check. Does Github Copilot even send any local code to the backend?

Ideally, I'd want an AI autocompletion tool to share proprietary code within an organization, and only there.


  • All calculations of GitHub Copilot happen on their Servers, none on your local machine. And if you don't disable telemetry as explained in their FAQ your interaction with Copilot (accepting/rejecting Suggestions) might be used to improve copilot, even tho they say your code will not be used. All this Information can be found in the FAQ: (bottom of the page)

    There are other competitors to Copilot that offer what you are looking for. Especially AI Learning on proprietary Code for your organization. But I won't disclose any names here since it could be seen as advertisement.