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dependency cannot cross stage boundaries

I have an ApplicationStack which created a S3Bucket:

export class ApplicationStack extends Cdk.Stack {
  public readonly websiteBucket : S3.Bucket;
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ApplicationStackProps) {
        super(scope, id, props);
   // Amazon S3 bucket to host the store  website artifact
    this.websiteBucket = new S3.Bucket(this, "eCommerceWebsite", {
      bucketName: `${props.websiteDomain}-${account}-${region}`,
      websiteIndexDocument: "index.html",
      websiteErrorDocument: "error.html",
      removalPolicy: Cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
      autoDeleteObjects: true,
      accessControl: S3.BucketAccessControl.PRIVATE,
      encryption: S3.BucketEncryption.S3_MANAGED,
      publicReadAccess: false,
      blockPublicAccess: S3.BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL,

    // Create a dummy export.

I also defines ApplicationStage which contains above ApplicationStack

export class ApplicationStage extends Cdk.Stage {
    public readonly websiteBucket : S3.Bucket; 
    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ApplicationStageProps) {
        super(scope, id, props);

        const applicationStack = new ApplicationStack(this, `eCommerceDatabaseStack-${props.stageName}`, {
            stageName: props.stageName,       
            websiteDomain: props.websiteDomain,
        this.websiteBucket = applicationStack.websiteBucket;

    public getWebsiteBucket() {
        return this.websiteBucket;

In my pipeline stack, I want to create application stage for each stage that need deploy the website artifact to its corresponding S3 bucket. This is a cross-account CI/CD pipeline, and I have 3 separate AWS accounts(Alpha, Gamma, Prod) for this website. Whenever I ship code out, the pipeline should deploy the new artifact to Alpha then Gamma then Prod, and the,, should be updated in this order. The problem happens when reference the S3Bucket in S3DeployAction below:

export class CodePipelineStack extends CDK.Stack {
  constructor(scope: CDK.App, id: string, props: CodePipelineStackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    // Here the pipelineStageInfoList contains Gamma and Prod information.
    pipelineStageInfoList.forEach((pipelineStage: PipelineStageInfo) => {
      const applicationStage = new ApplicationStage(this, pipelineStage.stageName, {
        stageName: pipelineStage.stageName,
        pipelineName: props.pipelineName,
        websiteDomain: props.websiteDomain,
        env: {
          account: pipelineStage.awsAccount,
          region: pipelineStage.awsRegion,
      const stage = pipeline.addStage(applicationStage);

      // Here is what went wrong. It is trying to deploy the S3Bucket for that stage. 
        new codepipeline_actions.S3DeployAction({
          actionName: "Deploy-Website",
          input: outputWebsite,
          bucket: applicationStage.getWebsiteBucket(),

Run cdk synthesize got below error:

    throw new Error(`You cannot add a dependency from '${source.node.path}' (in ${describeStage(sourceStage)}) to '${target.node.path}' (in ${describeStage(targetStage)}): dependency cannot cross stage boundaries`);
Error: You cannot add a dependency from 'eCommerceWebsitePipelineCdk-CodePipeline-Stack' (in the App) to 'eCommerceWebsitePipelineCdk-CodePipeline-Stack/ALPHA/eCommerceDatabaseStack-ALPHA' (in Stage 'eCommerceWebsitePipelineCdk-CodePipeline-Stack/ALPHA'): dependency cannot cross stage boundaries

I think this means that I didn't pass the S3Bucket reference in the right way here.

How to fix it?

Update with my solution 2022-09-06

Based on matthew-bonig@'s advice, I am able to get this work.

I have a separate stack to be deployed to each account to create the S3 buckets and its required CloudFront distribution. Then my pipeline stack just focus on tracking my GitHub repository, and update S3 bucket whenever a new commit is pushed.


  • This usually occurs because your pipeline is running in a different account/region than your stacks created from the pipelineStageInfoList.

    If they aren't in the same account/region then then simplest route is to manually set the s3 bucket names by a property on your 'InfoList' and forgo using references like you're trying to use. So you'd have to deploy everything first, then come back with an update afterwards that sets those values.

    If they are, then you can try to set the pipeline stacks account/region directly like you are with the other stacks and that might help.