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Android studio create/generate icons for all android version types

I have a mobile app project that's working fine but recently notified that icons are showing as a old default android robot icon for older android devices. I've only used the android studio built in image asset manager for my icons, as well as cordova-res. How would I come about to make sure I provide for all android version types?



  • you can use this link to generate all Android icons for your project Android asset studio

    so you will end with 6 different icons in your res folder

    1. mipmap-ldpi
    2. mipmap-mdpi
    3. mipmap-hdpi
    4. mipmap-xhdpi
    5. mipmap-xxhdpi
    6. mipmap-xxxhdpi

    more details about icons in Google developer website

    Apart of that you will need a icon for the Google Play store in 512x512px size