I am working in SwiftUI with the new Charts framework introduced in WWDC22 for iOS 16.
I want the value of each bar to be displayed inside the bar, but I don't see anyway in the Charts framework to do this. The best I can do is use a ZStack and try layering text on top of the chart, which works, but doesn't keep the text centered in the bar as the data changes.
Anyone discovered a way to do this natively in SwiftUI Charts?
The bars can be annotated by using an overlay position and a center alignment using this code:
.annotation(position: .overlay, alignment: .center) {
// your Text or other overlay here
An example chart with the annotations.
The complete code that was used to create the chart is provided below for reference.
Chart code:
struct BarChart4: View {
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
Text("Basic Bar Chart")
Chart (BarData4.data) { shape in
BarMark (
x: .value("Shape", shape.type),
y: .value("Count", shape.count)
.annotation(position: .overlay, alignment: .center) {
Text("\(shape.count, format: .number.precision(.fractionLength(0)))")
Sample Data:
struct BarData4 {
static let data: [ShapeModel] = [
.init(type: "Square", count: 12),
.init(type: "Heart", count: 10),
.init(type: "Rectangle", count: 21),
.init(type: "Star", count: 15),
.init(type: "Circle", count: 8),
.init(type: "Triangle", count: 6)
And the Data Model:
struct ShapeModel: Identifiable {
var type: String
var count: Double
var id = UUID()