Following this tutorial to create an Ebay Price Tracker with Python, I am encountering an AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text' when trying to get the title of a product from a search results page in Ebay.
The class is the right one, as you can see here:
'title': item.find('h3', {'class': 's-item__title s-item__title--has-tags'}).text,
Any idea of why I am getting this error and how to bypass it?
Here is the entire code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
searchterm = 'screen'
def get_data(searchterm):
url = f'{searchterm}&_sacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=1&LH_Auction=1&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
return soup
def parse(soup):
productslist = []
results = soup.find_all('div',{'class': 's-item__info clearfix'})
for item in results:
product = {
'title': item.find('h3', {'class': 's-item__title s-item__title--has-tags'}).text,
'soldprice': float(item.find('span', {'class': 's-item__price'}).text.replace('$','').replace(',','').strip()),
'solddate': item.find('span', {'class': 's-item__title--tagblock__COMPLETED'}).find('span',{'class': 'POSITIVE'}.text),
'bids': item.find('span', {'class': 's-item__bids'}).text,
'link': item.find('a', {'class': 's-item__link'})['href'],
return productslist
def output (productslist, searchterm):
productsdf = pd.DataFrame(productslist)
productsdf.to_csv(searchterm + 'ebaytrackeroutput.csv', index=False)
print('Saved to CSV')
soup = get_data(searchterm)
productslist = parse(soup)
output(productslist, searchterm)
Thank you for your help!
Some items are without title or soldprice. They will return none. And you will get that error. So you need to skip them.
Another thing is item.find('span', {'class': 's-item__title--tagblock__COMPLETED'})
this line is always returning none. So you need to check why.
To learn: How to debug small programs
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
searchterm = 'screen'
def get_data(searchterm):
url = f'{searchterm}&_sacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=1&LH_Auction=1&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
return soup
def parse(soup):
productslist = []
results = soup.find_all('div',{'class': 's-item__info clearfix'})
for item in results:
title = item.find('h3', {'class': 's-item__title s-item__title--has-tags'})
soldprice = item.find('span', {'class': 's-item__price'})
if title == None or soldprice == None: # if these are none just skip them.
# solddate is always returning none you need to check why
product = {
'title': title.text,
'soldprice': float(soldprice.text.replace('$','').replace(',','').strip()),
# 'solddate': item.find('span', {'class': 's-item__title--tagblock__COMPLETED'}).find('span',{'class': 'POSITIVE'}.text),
'bids': item.find('span', {'class': 's-item__bids'}).text,
'link': item.find('a', {'class': 's-item__link'})['href'],
return productslist
def output (productslist, searchterm):
productsdf = pd.DataFrame(productslist)
productsdf.to_csv(searchterm + 'ebaytrackeroutput.csv', index=False)
print('Saved to CSV')
soup = get_data(searchterm)
productslist = parse(soup)
output(productslist, searchterm)