I have a function, the job of which is to read the private key and certificate from a shared drive.
def get_private_key():
with open(config.CERTIFICATE_PATH + config.PRIVATE_KEY, 'rb') as key_file, \
open(config.CERTIFICATE_PATH + config.PUBLIC_KEY, 'rb') as cert_file_string:
private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(key_file.read(), password=None, backend=default_backend())
cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, cert_file_string.read())
sha1_fingerprint = cert.digest("sha1")
strkid = sha1_fingerprint.decode()
kid = strkid.replace(':', '')
I'm trying to write a unit test for this where I won't have access to the shared drive, hence I'm trying to mock the certificate and the private key. Here's what I've tried so far.
def test_get_private_key(self, mock_open, mock_load_pem_private_key, mock_load_certificate)
mock_open.return_value = io.BytesIO('dummy'.encode('utf-8'))
mock_load_pem_private_key.return_value = MagicMock(cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa.RSAPrivateKey)
mock_load_certificate.return_value = MagicMock(crypto.X509)
self.assertEqual(get_private_key(), "dummyPvtKey")
But when I try to run this test I get an error on the line where I'm invoking the load_certificate function.
OpenSSL.crypto.Error: [('PEM routines', 'get_name', 'no start line')]
It would be great if someone could advise me on how to go about this, thanks in advance.
You've patched the wrong target for the following line
Since you've imported load_certificate()
and used it in your module where get_private_key()
is, let's call it foo.py
since you didn't provide it your post. We want to patch the load_certificate()
in foo.py
not where it's defined which is OpenSSL.crypto
Change the patch target to